Doug Hutchens Harry Sparks
Harry has been the greatest influence on me to learn the fine points of Gibson banjos and to always be honest, and truthful in dealing in instruments. January 14, 2012
This is the first time Harry Sparks and I ever had a photo made together. Harry is the person who me inspired me via a banjo parts trade in Berryville Va, 1969 to love the instrument. His guidance and friendship encouraged me to study what The Gibson Guitar Company did during the Golden Age of banjos from the late 20's thru the early 1940's.
Harry has always been the big brother I never had as far as a model for honesty, integrity to our fellow man and being a good steward in the care and some time resurection of these instruments we love.
I took the information he intrusted with me and hope that I did some good things for the banjo world. Had it not been for Harry Sparks and the time he invested in me; the changes of the Gibson banjo line 1987 would have never happened the way it did.
Taken January 14, 2012 at a gathering where old banjos caused wonderful people to gather.
This is the 2nd photo that Harry Sparks and I ever had taken......The other guy...He's not just any other guy.....It has been an honor to be able to call this great entertainer and a Prince of a Human Being our friend. Harry, Sonny and I, we do have a little history together too. The planets were in alignment...and things were "just supposed to be the way they happened".
Guys, I cannot imagine who I would be had our paths not crossed....and I hope they cross many more times..I love both of you.

I took the information he intrusted with me and hope that I did some good things for the banjo world. Had it not been for Harry Sparks and the time he invested in me; the changes of the Gibson banjo line 1987 would have never happened the way it did.
In this photo Harry and I had not seen each other in about 24 years, but within 10 minutes of greeting each other....we began the conversation where we left off in 1988.
Taken January 14, 2012 at a gathering where old banjos caused wonderful people to gather.
This is the 2nd photo that Harry Sparks and I ever had taken......The other guy...He's not just any other guy.....It has been an honor to be able to call this great entertainer and a Prince of a Human Being our friend. Harry, Sonny and I, we do have a little history together too. The planets were in alignment...and things were "just supposed to be the way they happened".
Guys, I cannot imagine who I would be had our paths not crossed....and I hope they cross many more times..I love both of you.

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